May 30 2022 The Truck Museum held its second monthly Show N Shine.

This month we invited the

Langley Area Mostly British Car Club so we had the pleasure of the presence of fine British motor cars from Jaguar, MG, Rover and Triumph.

One specimen of note, a 1953 Triumph Mayflower, looks like a compact Rolls Royce. It was a luxury car built by Triumph from 1949, to 1953, only 35,000 of them were made. Of those only 510 were sold in North America, others sold in other Commonwealth countries. A picture with the bonnet up shows the immaculate engine and the tool kit including the hand crank to start the engine. MGB’s were also present. Another is a magnificently kept 1966 Datsun 1600. Another is a Rover 2000TC a saloon built from 1963 to 1977. A beautifully restored 1934 Ford truck with tilt bed also arrived at the show.

Thank you to the members of Langley Area Mostly British Car CLub (LAMB) for coming with your motor cars to see us at the Museum

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  • Cam Hutchins

    Cam is a passionate car photographer and videographer, owner of "CarNut" who loves to capture with his cameras the beauty of all kind of cool cars. He's been helping the BC Vintage Truck Museum since 2013.

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